Tuesday, 6 December 2011

Find Your Passion: A Self-Assessment

We possess natural enthusiasm for a myriad of things. This can make it a challenge to determine which of them is our greatest inclination or true passion. If you still don't have a clue as to what you really want to do in life, take heart. There are simple but effective ways to find your passion so you can start laying the foundation for your future.
It all starts with an honest self-assessment. You need to analyze the following about yourself in order to discover what motivates and excites you the most:
Attitude. Your attitude can make or break you. You may possess the IQ level of a genius but if you have very little tolerance for people, then putting yourself in an organization that requires plenty of interaction will not work for you. If you are more of the independent loner type, you might be better off doing something you enjoy that requires little to no extra manpower to accomplish. To find your passion, you need to know first the kind of company you would like to be with as you pursue it. It will be hard to work on something if you don't enjoy the social environment you're in.
Interests. Focus on one or two things that really excite you. You might possess a natural enthusiasm for customer service - you probably enjoy it so much that you even get a thrill out of dealing with and successfully pacifying irate customers! Not everyone has the stamina, patience and poise to deal with difficult people. Think of it as your specialty and use that as your peg for shaping your goals in life.
Personality. What is your personality? Are Apple 9L0-062you an introvert or an extrovert, a talker or a doer? Knowing your temperament and how you deal with your environment gives clues to the kind of personality you have and what work would be an ideal match for you. So, for instance, if you're an introvert who likes to work behind the scenes, you may want to find your passion in careers that involve more thinking, planning and implementing. Examples of jobs that fall under this category are financial planners, computer software designers, and management consultants.
Conversely, if you're a naturally chatty extrovert, your expertise may lie along the lines of public relations, sales and marketing, and teaching.
Needs. What are your primary needs? Is a high salary and great benefits package your number one factor in determining what you wish to pursue? Or is it the safety and security of tenure? Perhaps you're after the prestige of working for a blue-chip company. On the other end of the spectrum, you may prefer something low-key and noble like volunteering your services for a good cause. That unsatisfied need will propel you towards your goal, so find out first what it is before you decide on anything.
Skills. Be honest with yourself hereNVD-001. You would only be delusional if you think you can successfully find your passion and fulfill it without having a modicum of skill to support it. It's fine if you want to be the next pop superstar, but if you can't even carry a tune to save your life, it's time to look elsewhere! Be realistic with your skill levels. Here's a clue: your passion and calling always reside in your strongest points. So, look there first and see where you can go from there.

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